Kickstarter, the crowdfunding website, have suspended Hunt the Ravager from Kolossal Games and Folding Space from Maple Games. Both projects launched this week. Kickstarter’s Integrity Team told Tabletop Wire the projects were suspended for one or more of the following, but would not give specifics.
• Outstanding fulfillment issues related to a previously successful crowdfunding campaign
• Running multiple, simultaneous projects
• Failure or unwillingness to clearly communicate with backers
According to the Kickstarter website, campaigns can be suspended at anytime after launch. Suspensions are permanent.
Both companies have been active on Kickstarter. Kolossal joined Kickstarter in 2017 and have created 14 projects under two Kickstarter accounts, Kolossal Games and Kolossal Mikro. Of those projects at least 5 are still in various stages of production and fullfillment.
Maple Games have created 3 projects since joining in June of 2018, including Folding Space. Their two previous projects funded, but are still in the process of being fulfilled.
Both companies share a connection to Arnaud Charpentier of Matagot Games. Charpentier is listed as the CEO of Kolossal Games on his Linkedin profile. It is unclear if this had anything to do with their suspensions.