Tabletop Tycoon, the parent company of Poly Hero Dice, Victory Point Games, Starling Games, and Flying Meeple Games, are providing free games for stores impacted by the pandemic.
The company’s Store Recovery Package provides over $1,000 worth for a $95 shipping fee. The deal is only available in the US.
Tabletop Tycoon president Dan Yarrington said, “I started on the events and retail side of things and ran several stores over the years, so I feel where they’re at right now. We wanted to help so we set up this program to give what we could.”
The program uses Hit Point Sales, which Yarrington sold to Funagain last year. Stores can order directly there or through distributors.
“We appreciate the store’s patience as we’re processing each of these applications individually and it’s taking a bit. We’re sending packages out each week,” Yarrington said.
The package contains
Alien Frontiers 5th Edition
Alien Frontiers Factions Definitive Edition
Black Orchestra
Blind Spot
Darkest Night
Dig Dog Dig
Everdell: Pearlbrook
Everdell: Spirecrest
Everdell: Bellfaire
Nemo’s War Planetarium
PolyHero Rogue 1d20 Gem Roguish Rouge
PolyHero Rogue 5d8 Crossbow Bolts Nightshade PolyHero
Rogue 7 Dice Set Midnight Blue
PolyHero Rogue 7 Dice Set Nightshade
PolyHero Rogue 7 Dice Set Roguish Rouge
PolyHero Rogue 7 Dice Set Vicious Venom
PolyHero Rogue d20 Lock and Pick Set Cold Iron
PolyHero Rogue d20 Lock and Pick Set Stout Bronze
The Princess Bride: Battle Of Wits
The Princess Bride: I Hate to Kill You
The Princess Bride: Inconceivable!
The Princess Bride: Prepare To Die
Twilight of the Gods: Age of Revelation
Twilight of the Gods: Season of Apocalypse Pack
Twilight of the Gods: Season of Epiphany Pack
Twilight of the Gods: Season of Prophecy Pack