Sales of Starter Sets Rose 300 Percent
It’s official, 2019 was the most successful year for the iconic brand Dungeons & Dragons. Wizards of the Coast said the 46-year-old franchise celebrated its 6th consecutive year of growth, with sales of starter boxed products rising 300 percent.
The company saw European sales rise 65% year-on-year, and have more than quadrupled since 2014. It also said the percentage of players that identify as female is now 39% and growing.
“On the back of our biggest year in franchise history, Dungeons & Dragons is more popular than ever, with over 40 million fans globally. Our accelerating strong growth here in Europe contributes to that and is set to progress in 2020. With ongoing expansion into tabletop products, streaming entertainment, and digital games, we’re going to continue introducing new fans to our legendary world of fantasy storytelling for years to come.”, said Dan Barrett, EU Senior Brand Manager for Dungeons & Dragons.
The company summarized the growth in this information graphic: